
SONiC Enterprise Data Center Orchestration

SandWork is now Generally Available

SONiC (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud) is a popular open-source network operating system that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This powerful and flexible platform is used by hyperscalers, large enterprises and cloud providers to build their data centers’ networks.

SONiC was originally developed as a network operating system for large-scale data center environments. It is an open-source project, originally developed by Microsoft and is now gaining popularity in recent years due to its flexibility, scalability, and extensibility with a lot of contributions from many large organizations and individual contributors.

Another key benefit of SONiC is its support for multi-vendor environments. Unlike many proprietary network operating systems, SONiC is vendor-agnostic and can be used with a wide range of network hardware from different manufacturers. This enables enterprises to choose the best network hardware for their needs, without being tied to a single vendor’s solutions.

In addition, SONiC is highly secure, with built-in support for secure communication, role-based access control, and other security features. This makes it an ideal platform for enterprises that require robust security measures to protect their data center infrastructure.

To maximize and build upon the benefits of SONiC in the Data Centre, have leveraged their open source heritage and experience in Network automation and Software Defined Networking to develop SandWork, which is now generally available.

One of the key benefits of SandWork is its ability to orchestrate network infrastructure in the enterprise data center. SandWork provides a programmable framework and intuitive user interface that enables network administrators to automate the configuration and management of datacenter network devices. This significantly reduces the time and effort required to manage the data center network fabric, while also increasing efficiency and scalability.

SandWork uses a modular design that enables administrators to customize the platform to meet their specific needs. It provides a rich set of APIs and tools that enable developers to build their own applications and scripts to automate network management tasks. This approach makes SandWork highly extensible and adaptable, making it an ideal solution for complex and dynamic data center environments.

SandWork is also highly scalable, supporting large-scale data center environments with thousands of network devices. It provides advanced features for managing network infrastructure. This makes it easier for network administrators to identify and troubleshoot issues in the data center, ensuring maximum uptime and availability.

Overall, SandWork is a powerful and flexible platform for managing and orchestrating enterprise data centers. With its advanced features for network management and security, SandWork is a valuable tool for any organization looking to optimize their data center operations.



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