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[Release] OpenDaylight Sodium, YANG Tools & MD-SAL

It is no secret, that OpenDaylight is more than a passion project here at As one of the staples in the SDN revolution, we are also proud that we are one of the largest contributors to the project, with our Fellow Robert Varga leading in the number of individual commits. Let us have a look at what is new.

YANG Tools 3.0.0

YANG Tools is a set of libraries and data modeling language, used to model state & configuration data. It’s libraries provide support for NETCONF and YANG for Java-based projects and applications.  What’s new in the world of the latest Yangtools release?

It implements new RFCs: RFC7952 (Defining and Using Metadata with YANG) and RFC8528 (YANG Schema Mount).

YANG parser now supports RFC6241 & RFC8528, while adding strict QName rules for “node identifiers”.

JDK11 support has been added together with lots of small bugfixes, which you can read in detail in its changelog.

MD-SAL 4.0.0

The Model-Driven Service Abstraction Layer is OpenDaylight’s kernel – it interfaces between different layers and modules. MD-SAL uses APIs to connect & bind requests and services and delegates certain types of requests.

The new version of MD-SAL has been released for ODL. MD-SAL is one of the central OpenDaylight components. This release contains mainly bugfixes and brings pre-packaged model updates for newly released IETF  models: RFC8519, RFC8528, RFC8529, RFC8530.

OpenDaylight Release Sequence

Get ready for OpenDaylight Sodium

OpenDaylights development has a new important milestone ahead: the Sodium release, currently scheduled around September 2019. This release will bring new versions of YANG Tools, MD-SAL and other core OpenDaylight components.

JDK11, as well as JKD8, is supported, providing an opportunity for OpenDaylight users to try new features of JDK11. It bids farewell to Java EE modules & JavaFX, as well as performance & bug fixes.

We believe you are also looking forward to these releases and encourage you to try them out!

Don’t forget to contact us, in case you are interested in a commercial solution for your business!

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