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Membership in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce

toronto buildings

We are more than happy to announce that has joined forces with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce! We believe that this membership in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce will assist us in our future business and cultural activities. Canada here we come!

Basic activities of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) are the support of business activities between Canada and Slovakia, the development of cultural relations, and assistance in the field of education. We believe that this membership in the CCC will assist us in fulfilling your business and cultural activities. With this membership, hopes to bring better solutions to our customers.

The principal mandate of the CCC is to advance policy issues with the federal government that creates an environment favorable to business growth and prosperity. Through our national network of over 450 chambers of commerce and boards of trade, they represent 200,000 businesses of all sizes and from all sectors. As Canada’s largest and most influential business association, CCC is the primary and vital connection between business and the federal government.

From peer-to-peer networking events to professional development sessions, from business leader roundtables to policy committees, the CCC offers us plenty of opportunities to get involved in activities that will allow us to grow professionally as well as influence policy and decision-making to help us grow as a company.

In a digital economy, growth means being connected. This will only work if you have great business partners.