
OpenDaylight Project Celebrates 10 Years (of Active Development)

The OpenDaylight Project is an open-source software-defined networking (SDN) controller platform that has been in active development for 10 years. Since its launch in 2013, the project has grown and evolved significantly, and it has become one of the most popular SDN solutions used by companies worldwide.

Over the years, the OpenDaylight Project has seen several major changes and developments. In the early days, the project focused on building a flexible and customizable platform for SDN controllers. The platform was designed to be vendor-neutral, so it could support a variety of hardware and software solutions, including switches, routers, and firewalls.

As the project grew in popularity, it attracted a vibrant and active community of developers, users, and contributors. The community has been instrumental in shaping the direction of the project, and it has contributed to a variety of new features and functionality.

One of the major developments in recent years has been the adoption of a more modular architecture. The platform is now broken down into several different components, each of which can be customized and extended to meet the needs of different users and applications. This modular architecture has made the OpenDaylight Project even more flexible and adaptable, and it has helped to cement its position as a leading SDN controller platform.

Another important development has been the focus on performance and scalability. The OpenDaylight Project has been optimized to handle large-scale networks, and it can easily scale to support hundreds of thousands of network elements. This has made it an attractive solution for large enterprises and service providers that need to manage complex networks.

In addition to these technical developments, the OpenDaylight Project has also seen significant growth in its ecosystem. In its lifetime companies like Cisco, Huawei, and Red Hat have contributed to this project the most, however for over the past few years the streams shifted a little and we are proud to share that PANTHEON.tech has become one of the largest contributors to the OpenDaylight project, followed by companies such as Verizon, Orange, and Rakuten.

This diverse ecosystem has helped to ensure that the project remains vendor-neutral and that it can support a wide range of hardware and software solutions.

OpenDaylight has proven over time to be one of the most production-ready and feature-rich controller platforms, used by many companies and communities like ONAP, PANTHEON.tech, Fujitsu, Infinera, Elisa Polestar. In PANTHEON.tech we fast-track our long-term OpenDaylight expertise with our valuable customers and we are delivering all the feedback and code back to the OpenDaylight community.

Looking to the future, the OpenDaylight Project shows no signs of slowing down. The community continues to develop new features and functionalities, and it remains one of the most active and vibrant communities in the open-source networking world. With its modular architecture, performance, and scalability, the OpenDaylight Project is well-positioned to continue to be a leading SDN controller platform for years to come.


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