lighty 14

[Release] 14

Building an SDN controller is easy with!

Learn why enterprises rely on for their network solutions.

What changed in 14? 14 maintains compatibility with the OpenDaylight Silicon release. RNC

The RESTCONF-NETCONF Controller Application ( RNC) is part of this release, go check out the in-depth post on this wonderful application!

We added a Helm chart to RNC, for an easily configurable Kubernetes deployment.

Features & Improvements

Corrected usage of the open-source JDK 11 in three examples:

We have migrated from testing & deploying using Travis CI to GitHub Actions! This switch makes for easier integration of forked repositories with GitHub Actions & SonarCloud, while uploading & storing build artifacts in GitHub was also made possible – yay!

As for GitHub Workflow, we added Helm & Docker publishing, as well as the ability to specify checkout references in the workflow itself. Examples received smoke tests (also called confidence or sanity testing), which will point out severe and simple failures. JSON sample configurations also received updates.

We understood, that time tracking logs were hard to read – so we made them more readable!

We took all the necessary functionality from lighty-codecs artifact, and replaced it with the introduction of lighty-codecs-util.

You can spot an updated README file for the Controller, while we added initial configuration data functionality to it as well.

Updates to Upstream Dependencies

Updated upstream dependencies to the latest OpenDaylight Silicon versions:

  • odlparent 8.1.1
  • aaa-artifacts 0.13.2
  • controller-artifacts 3.0.7
  • infrautils-artifacts 1.9.6
  • mdsal-artifacts 7.0.6
  • mdsal-model-artifacts 0.13.3
  • netconf-artifacts 1.13.1
  • yangtools-artifacts 6.0.5
  • openflowplugin-artifacts 0.12.0
  • serviceutils-artifacts 0.7.0 13.3

For compatibility with OpenDaylight Aluminium, we have also released the 13.3 version of!

The release received a Docker Publish workflow, the ability to specify checkout references in a workflow, and Helm publishing workflow as well.

You can find all changes in the 13.3 release in the changelog, here.

by Michal Baník & Samuel Kontriš | Subscribe to our newsletter!

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