Ultimate OpenDaylight Guide Part 1: Documentation & Testing

Ultimate OpenDaylight Guide | Part 1: Documentation & Testing

by Samuel Kontriš, Robert Varga, Filip Čúzy | Leave us your feedback on this post!

Welcome to Part 1 of the PANTHEON.tech Ultimate Guide to OpenDaylight! We will start off lightly with some tips & tricks regarding the tricky documentation, as well as some testing & building tips to speed up development!


1. Website, Docs & Wiki

The differences between these three sources can be staggering. But no worries, we have got you covered!

2. Dependencies between projects & distributions

odl dependency

3. Contributing to OpenDaylight

4. Useful Mailing Lists

There are tens (up to hundreds) of mailing lists you can join, so you are up-to-date with all the important information – even dev talks, thoughts, and discussions!

Testing & Building

1. Maven “Quick” Profile

There’s a “Quick” maven profile in most OpenDaylight projects. This profile skips a lot of tests and checks, which are unnecessary to run with each build.

This way, the build is much faster:

mvn clean install -Pq

2. GitHub x OpenDaylight

The OpenDaylight code is mirrored on GitHub! Since more people are familiar with the GitHub environment, rather than Gerrit, make sure to check out the official GitHub repo of ODL!

3. Gerrit

Working with Gerrit can be challenging and new for newcomers. Here is a great guide on the differences between the two.

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