Data Center Network Operations: Day 0, Day 1, Day 2 Config

Today, enterprises should carefully examine the execution of their network operations and proactively explore the potential benefits of integrating network automation and orchestration. The need for efficient, scalable, and agile data center infrastructure has never been more important. Lets have a look at Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2 data center operations that pave the way for seamless and efficient data center management.

Day 0: Setting the Foundation

Day 0 configuration is an initial device configuration which brings a device to a state in which the orchestrator platform can connect to the device and manage it. This configuration is pushed on the device during zero touch provisioning process – a process used in network and device management to automate the onboarding and configuration of devices without the need for manual intervention. 

Device Setup

  • Assigning an IP address to the management interface of the device. The orchestrator will use this IP address to connect to the device.
  • Providing a recognizable name to the device for easy identification, aiding in the overall management of the data center.
  • Setting up initial authentication and securing access to the device – (eg. username, password, certificates, ..)

Successfully completing Day 0 sets the stage for the subsequent operational phases.

Day 1: Daily Data Center Operations

Day 1 configuration is an infrastructural configuration of devices in a data center which brings the data center to a state where it can provide network servicesWith the groundwork laid on Day 0, Day 1 focuses on the ongoing daily operations required to keep the data center running smoothly. This involves pushing configurations to the device, addressing the day-to-day needs of the data center.

Day 2: Adapting to Change

Building on the foundation laid on Day 0 and the continuous operations of Day 1, Day 2 involves making changes to configurations to ensure that Day 1 operations work seamlessly. Day 2 operations involve the continuous refinement and adjustment of configurations to satisfy changing demands. 

Configuration Adjustments

  • Analyzing the performance of Day 1 operations to identify areas of improvement.
  • Making necessary changes in configurations to address any issues, enhance efficiency, and adapt to new requirements (eg. provisioning of additional network services, creation of a network slice for a new tenant).
  • Testing and validating the modified configurations to ensure they align with the overall objectives of the data center.

Day 2 operations are characterized by adaptability and responsiveness, ensuring that the data center remains agile in the face of dynamic challenges.

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Orchestrate and automate your SONiC based data center with SandWork. Reach out to us to book an online meeting.

SandWork Orchestrator Day 2 fabric configuration

With orchestration tools like SandWork, network automation and orchestration may help your data center achieve operational efficiency and the accompanying cost savings that come with it.

Network operators may automate the configuration and maintenance of data center network devices with SandWork’s programmable architecture and user-friendly interface. As a result, managing the data center network fabric takes less time and effort, and it also becomes more efficient and scalable.


Navigating the complexities of data center operations requires a systematic approach, starting with the foundational Day 0 configurations and progressing through the ongoing daily operations of Day 1 and the adaptive changes of Day 2. By understanding and implementing these key stages, you can build and maintain a resilient, scalable and high-performing data center infrastructure.